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Here it goes the FINAL TASK. 

Have you ever heard of a crowdunding?

Although it may sound complicated, it is not. It is just when somenone ask for money from the people to help with something, in this case, thw climate change. 

Don´t worry, you are just a kid, but we will pretend we are adults, the only thing is that we are not receiving money, we will only create the message.

Here you have an example:

This is an example of a fictional crowdfunding, this association doesn´t exist. 
So what do you have to do?

You will create an Instagram post which must include:

1- Why you ask for money (any environemtal issue).

2-What will you do with the money (solutions to the problems).

3- At least, one sentence of zero conditional.

4- At least, one sentence of first conditional.

5-One image.

You don´t have to create a presentation, just a unique slide like the example. Post it on the comments to share it with people.

Maybe in 5 years time you decide to develop this crowdfunding for real, but for now, take little actions such as recycling to save the planet, please!
