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I´m sure you also like to post on social media. If you want to keep posting videos of natural paradise like the one I recorded, please read the following instructions:

So what can you do as a student from a high school? Your priorities right now are probably playing videogames, meeting with friends, passing your exams and, of course, posting on social networks such as Instagram or Tik Tok, right?

Well, you will have to do the same you have been doing all this past time, but now you will help the planet through Instagram.

-First of all, in Task 1 you will identify the problem that is causing the destruction of the Earth.

-Then, in Task 2 you will find solutions to solve the problems. Easy peasy.

-What is Task 3? Well, it is appropriate to analyse if we are acting good or bad, so you will fill a form.

-After that, in Task 4 you will learn how to convince people to help the planet, and to do that, we will learn the 0 Conditional and First conditional in English. The speech is a powerful resource.

-We are almost finished. Task 5 consists of practising a little bit before our final task. Practices makes perfect.

-And Task 6, the final mission, is to create the message of crowdfunding to post it on Instagram. What is a crowdfunding? Well, when people ask for money for a good reasong such as helping poor people, they announce it on social media to reach the largest number of people, you will create your own post and maybe you succeed!! 

